List of Cubesat and University Satellite Missions
I have created a list with various information about all cubesat missions currently scheduled for launch, and
a number of cubesat missions being worked on. Also a number of other university satellite missions have been
The page contains information about success rate, mission and payloads, communication,
attitude and orbit determination and control systems along with links to the various projects.
The list was created because I couldn't find any other page with this kind of information, and browsing
the various cubesat mission websites begin to take quite some time as the number of missions increases.
In fact it took quite a bit of time to compile the information found there. I therefore hope you will find this page useful,
please leave a thank you in the guest book if you do, or contact me
if you know of a mission that is not on this list, find a mistake or have information that could be added.
Links for Space Related Education
For questions, comments etc, feel free to contact me by using
this contact form.
European Space Agency (ESA) Outreach
- ESA offers many different outreach programs, some are:
Student Paritcipation for the 2005 IAF Congress
You can go to the IAF 2005 in Fukuoka, Japan sponsored by ESA.
An article I wrote about the IAF 2003 in Bremen (in Danish)
Feel free, feel zero-g
Want to feel zero-g? You have an opportunity to fly your own project in the ESA
parabolic aircraft. For the past 7 years each year about 30 teams of 4 European students have flown in the student flight campaign. The deadline is end of January, start prepare now!
International Space Univsersity (ISU)
- ISU offers three programs, the Summer Session Program(SSP)
is a 2-month program running in July/August. In 2006 it is taking place in Strasbourg, France.
Application deadline January 31st (April 30th, if no funding required).
The other programs are the Master of Space Studies (MSS) program
and the Master of Space Management (MSM), both of which are
12-month programs running from September to August. They include about 6 months of education (lectures, group work,
assignments etc), a two month team project, and a 3 month internship. Application deadline is March 15th, 2006
(July 1st, if no funding required).
It is possible to combine the two programs, and skip the first 1 1/2 month of the MSS program,
thus starting in mid October.
The costs of each program are SSP: 16,000 EUR, MSS/MSM: 25,000 EUR, combined: 32,000 EUR. Funding is available for students in ESA member states. Typically 50% to 75% of the fee is granted. The fee for the SSP includes tuition, accomodation and meals, while the fee for the MSS only covers tuition.
Description (in Danish) of the SSP 2000 in Chile by Torsten Bondo
Description (in Danish) of the SSP 2002 in Ponoma, California by Bent Ziegler
Example of a team project - Mission to Mars Using the ISS
Example of a team project - Future Navigation Systems
Space Technology Education Conference
- Konference om undervisning indenfor rumforskning, 6.-8. april 2005.