Last updated: April 3rd, 2022
Wierd Stuff
Stuff that deserves praise:
These websites have scanned and made publicly available a lot of literature written by Danish
engineers and scienties, including technical news papers from the last 150 years.
Since all content is in Danish the below descriptions are also left in Danish.
Videnskabernes Selskabs udgivelser (Danish)
På siden findes alle de publikationer, Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab har udgivet
siden sin grundlæggelse i 1742. Publikationerne dækker et bredt felt af videnskaber, og de
afspejler vores stadigt større viden gennem næsten 300 år. De allernyeste publikationer, som er
mindre end et år gamle, er ikke med, men kan købes i deres webshop. Ellers er næsten alt med,
undtagen den store danske ordbog, som Selskabet udgav fra 1793.
Teknisk Kulturarv - DTU Bibliotek (Danish)
Du kan søge i ca. 500 digitaliserede bøger fra før 1920 samt et kortkatalog, der dækker perioden
frem til ca. 1960. Du kan også søge i alle fotografierne fra den store nordiske udstilling i
København 1888.
Ingeniørernes Danmarkshistorie (Danish)
Du kan bladre i 400.000 sider teknologi- og samfundshistorie, som rummes i de alle væsentligste
ingeniørtidsskrifter og andre naturvidenskabelige og tekniske tidsskrifter, der er udkommet i
årene 1822 til og med 2006. Arkivet rummer desuden i nogle af de væsentligste teknisk relevante
bøger, herunder to udgaver af 'Opfindelsernes Bog', samt biografiske oplysninger om over 20.000
ingeniører. Disse sider udgør tilsammen ’ingeniørernes danmarkshistorie’.
Du kan her finde oplysninger om de fleste større infrastrukturprojekter - såsom broer, havne,
skibe, jernbaner, elværker, veje, kloakanlæg, kanaler, landvindinger, fabriksanlæg og f.eks.
kulturbygninger. Desuden kan du f.eks. søge på person- og stednavne og følge den teknologiske
udvikling og debatten herom i takt med samfundsudviklingen i denne interessante periode af
TOP 5:
Abandoned Missile Base VR Tour
Explore an Abandoned Missile Base. This is one of
the best web-pages I have ever seen.
Amazing Flash Animations - Really!
This guy have done some great flash animations, including a music video of the
Billy Joel classic "We Didn't Start the Fire". Also watch his
Guide to the English Language, but be warned, it contains some fucking great language.
(At one point in time the site moved, and the english flash file is not available on the
new site, but I think it is the same author.)
The Blue Flash Coaster - a backyard coaster
This guy actually build a roller coaster in his backyard! It's
complete with a loop, safety belt, etc. He says something about
being tired of the lines in the amusement parks -
wonder how much time he spend building it? Check out the video!
Damn Interesting
The title of the website says it all. It's damn interesting, containing
essays about all kinds of issues, including natural, science and technology.
A few examples are about a
combined tank and airplane,
monster rogue waves, and
The Crypt of Civilization, or did you ever hear about the
Sky Hook?
More Wal*Mart receipts than you...
Isn't it exciting that people put all kinds of crappy useless information
on the internet? The joy reaches new heights when it is done with a
meticulousness which I could not have imagined before I saw this site.
Ok, unfortunately the site has been removed from the original location, and
is no longer updated, but fortunately the
Internet Archive has a backup running at
this address.
The Webtender
This is one of the most useful webpages ever made! The Webtender is an
On-Line bartender where you can learn how to mix a B-52 in 6 different
ways or so. You can also find a way to remove the taste of the terrible Ouzo
you bought on your last trip to Greeze.
Other websites I've been involved in setting up:
A/B Ved Engen (archived)
Website for the cooperative housing association where I lived.
It was still updated for almost 10 years after I left the board.
Current website: A/B Ved Engen
ADAMA - Advanced Airway Management (archived)
A project which flew on the 37th ESA Professional Parablic Flight Campaign back in June 2004.
The website is no longer operational, but can be found on the way-back-machine.
Palomar Seeing Monitor (archived)
Although currently down, this site normally contains the data from the two seeing monitors based on combined
MASS-DIMM instruments located at the Palomar Observatory in California.
The website is no longer operational, but can be found on the way-back-machine.